If aliens were ever to touch down on the Earth, 
I sure hope they would be dressed in Dior and Alexander McQueen. 
Vogue India had the same idea in their fashion film, Space Odyssey,
 shot by Rohan Michael Hoole

Potential space invaders, take notice, 
we are powerless to high fashion!

Si los extraterrestres alguna vez aterrizasen en la Tierra,
estoy seguro que vestirían de Dior y Alexander McQueen.
Vogue India tenía la misma idea en su película Odisea del Espacio de la moda,
  filmado por Michael Rohan Hoole.

Posibles invasores espaciales, tomad nota,
somos incapaces contra la alta costura!

Fashion editor: Sharon Crawford
Photographer: Tarun Vishwa
Directed by: Rohan Hoole

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